In luna martie, am fost pusi intr-o situatie foarte dificila: dupa stingerea din viata a mamei, cele 6 pisicute pe care le avea au ramas singure, noi locuind in Canada. Desigur ca am decis sa le adoptam noi, desi aducerea lor in Canada parea un lucru foarte greu (daca nu imposibil) de realizat. Cautand optiuni online, am avut norocul sa descoperim echipa Infinite Marketing Group SRL. Putem sa spunem ca acesti oameni au facut dintr-o situatie extrem de complicata si stresanta, una clara, simpla si fara batai de cap. De la primul mesaj si pana la ultimul, Anelise a fost foarte informativa, amabila si a oferit raspunsuri prompte, dandu-ne sfaturi la fiecare pas. In afara de faptul ca ne-a asigurat ca pisicutele au carnetele de sanatate si pasapoartele in ordine si a gasi un broker aici in Canada (regulamentul liniei aeriene), noi nu a trebuit sa facem nimic. Echipa Infinite Marketing Group SRL s-a ocupat de procurarea custilor, preluarea pisicutelor de acasa, intocmirea intregii documentatii, efectuarea rezervarilor aeriene si comunicarea cu brokerul canadian. O mentiune speciala domnului George Vasiliu, care vazand situatia dificila cu care ne confruntam (prinsul si bagatul in custi a 6 pisici tematoare este o adevarata aventura) s-a oferit sa ajute personal cu acest lucru, astfel ca toate pisicutele au putut pleca catre destinatie fara probleme. Dupa multe luni de emotii am fost foarte fericiti sa vedem ca toate pisicutele au ajuns cu bine, si dupa cum se poate vedea, se bucura de noua lor locuinta si multumesc si ele, alaturi de noi, echipei Infinite Marketing Group SRL. Ii recomandam cu caldura, au fost de un foarte mare ajutor!
Andreea si Cristian Nicolita
We are Clear Passion team in Timișoara. For many years we have been collaborating with shipment companies in Hungary. We are glad we found a domestic option of the same professionalism degree. Their location is very accessible for those arriving to Bucharest from Bucharest-Pitești highway. The clarity of information promptly offered as to the law in the country of destination and ensuring their support during the entire travel are proofs of professionalism of this company that completely takes care of all details of an international shipment. The seriousness by which they are sending photos and the constant update as to the status of dogs from collection to destination frame within the same professionalism trend. True animal lovers, company’s employees have offered us services that we did not expect, related to the well-being of puppies that they carefully collected from us, as true family members. Thank you!
Andreea Cletiu
Timișoara, România
As breeder, I have been collaborating with Infinite Marketing Group company for more than 10 years, during which I exported many animals all over the world (Europe, North America, Central America, South America, South Africa and Asia), both cubs and adults, of the two breeds I have, which are large dogs: Terra Nova and Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog. The entire team showed professionalism to the highest expectations, starting from the take-over of the dog, to logistics and management of the shipment, to the care and affection they showed, to dogs’ accommodation before the flight, at their small boarding house specially opened for this purpose. Besides all these, I can say that I made sincere and long-time friends with Anelise and Raluca. They were so attached to the Terra Nova that crossed their threshold, that Anelise named her first adopted dog by the first Terra Nova I exported with the help of Infinite company: Boatswain, shortly Botz. I smile each time I think about how my Terra Nova puppies are looked forward to coming so that the girls could love and play with them. Girls’ passion and love for animals are the key of this successful business.
Iulia Maria Ionesi
Rădăuți, România
Since the beginning of our collaboration, many years ago, we realized that they are a team of professionals and, most of all, that they are people who love animals so much. Team's leader, Mr. Anelise, has tried and always found solutions, even when things seemed to be almost impossible to settle. In time they proved that they are the best, title obtained by many efforts to adapt to clients’ requirements. I highly recommend their team and I congratulate them, wishing them all the best in the future!
Elena–Magda & Valentin Dogaru
Brăila, România
Romania Animal Rescue has shipped many animals with the help of Infinite - Cargo Service. We were impressed by the care they have for animals, as well as by their efficiency. They are simply the best choice when it comes to animal shipment!
Romania Animal Rescue, Inc.
I had to send two French Bulldogs to Venezuela, and no company has offered me any solution, until I contacted these wonderful people, Mrs. Anelise and Raluca. They have constantly helped me and looked for the best option to transport my dogs. After 2 days of travel, my dogs reached the destination, and the customs clearance process was very easy because of the documents properly filled in in Bucharest. Everything was perfect, all documents, visas, travel kennels and checks! I recommend this company to anyone who wishes to ship their pet to another country! Thank you very much!
Carlos London
At Akbarforce kennel, we consider that IMG - The Pet Shipping Specialist is the perfect solution to transport our animal "friends" to destinations where we cannot accompany them. I give all my trust, appreciation and respect to people working there who, with great patience and promptness, answer to all our questions, advise us and help us prepare all documents necessary for the shipment. Thanks to them, shipments were made even in destinations for which the preparation of documents is very difficult. Thank you for your work, seriousness and friendship towards us, your customers, and towards our “friends".
Călin & Simona Ghibu
Cluj-Napoca, România
We are Diana and Robert, breeders of Bern Sheppard Dog from Timișoara. We started our collaboration with Mrs. Anelise in 2015 and we have exclusively worked with her since then. We highly and warmly recommend her, she knows how to make the impossible possible, she helped us send dogs in many states of the USA, in Canada, Hong Kong including a 2-year-old female in Bermuda Islands, which was very complicated, but possible due to her! Thank you for your devotion and professionalism, and we are looking forward to future collaborations.
Diana & Robert
We've met Anelise and the INFINITE team by accident, when we were desperately looking for a safe and inexpensive method to transport all dogs saved and adopted by families abroad. I was impressed, from the very beginning, by their dedication, common sense and professionalism and each time we requested their help, the INFINITE team was there and helped us by giving us the perfect solution for those saved dogs. They even helped shipping disabled animals anywhere in the world under decent conditions. Besides the shipment options, Anelise and the team always support us in preparing the documentation, with advice and for boarding.
I believe INFINITE is the best Romanian company operating cargo transportation for animals and we would like to thank them on behalf of ROLDA foundation for the entire support and dedication in helping saved animals and we encourage you to choose them if your pet or stray dog has to be sent to any location in the world.
ROLDA Foundation